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English translation for "medical oncologist"


Related Translations:
oncologist:  肿瘤科医生肿瘤学家肿瘤学专家肿瘤专科医师
gynecologic oncologist:  妇科肿瘤医生
radiation oncologist:  放射治疗肿瘤医生
surgical oncologist:  外科肿瘤医生
medical:  adj.1.医学的,医术的;医疗的;医师的。2.医药的。3.内科的(opp. surgical)。短语和例子medical jurisprudence 法医学。 a medical man [practitioner] 医生,开业医生〔包括 physician, surgeon 等〕。 a medical officer 军医,医官。 the medical art 医术。
Example Sentences:
1.Will i need additional treatment with radiation therapy following my surgery ? if so , can you refer me to a medical oncologist
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